What do young graduates expect from the working world? To talk about it, the BSMART program welcomed Claire Souvigné, Director of the Bachelor & MSc INSEEC Paris.
Il y a un vrai bouleversement depuis quatre/cinq ans, c’est l’alternance
Claire Souvigné
Directrice Bachelor & MSc INSEEC Paris
Claire Souvigné notes several changes she has observed in business schools:
- Stability of the image that young graduates have of companies
- Increasing emphasis on “soft skills
- Very strong development of work-study programs: young people are primarily looking for meaning and a strong corporate DNA. They also pay attention to the way they will be able to evolve (working conditions and remuneration in particular).
- Students are optimistic about their presence in companies despite the current crisis: they are ready to adapt and are eager to innovate.
When asked about the evolution of training during the crisis, Claire Souvigné also stressed the Thedigitalization of the INSEEC U. group in recent years: the traditional classroom training given at INSEEC has been adapted to allow students to prepare for a professional life made up of telecommuting, mobility, and an approach based on professional posture rather than just on knowledge.
Do students need to be familiar with the companies they will be working for? For Claire Souvigné, young people are much more critical than before. Thanks to social networks, they analyze and dissect the communication of each company.
By demanding a lot of transparency, they challenge them; in this regard, the director also emphasizes that green washing seems to be a point of vigilance and a real concern for young graduates.
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