TIME TO TAKE CARE – societal

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OMNES Education is progressing to become a group where #health, #safety, #diversity, #equality and #inclusion are fully assured for all its students and employees.


campuses are inclusive and friendly


of campuses respect gender equality.


of employees & students trained in EDI topics.

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy

In an increasingly diverse world, it is important to develop comprehensive Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) policies that reflect and promote inclusion. This policy must aim to guarantee gender equality by ensuring parity between men and women, and by putting in place effective measures to prevent sexual and gender-based violence. It must also promote diversity of profiles by fully integrating people from different cultural and social backgrounds, while ensuring the inclusion of LGBT+ people and people with disabilities.

By adopting a global and inclusive approach, we can create a safe, respectful, equitable and inclusive working and learning environment for all.

gender equality

Group Agreement on Professional Equality between Women and Men

Group Agreement on Professional Equality between Women and Men signed in 2023

In 2023, we signed a major agreement to promote professional equality between women and men within our organization. This agreement represents a decisive turning point in our commitment to equity and inclusion.

The main objectives of the agreement are to

  • Reducing wage disparities
  • Promoting diversity in positions of responsibility
  • Improving working conditions

Gender Equality Committee

Gender Equality Committee

As part of the follow-up to the 2023 agreement, OMNES has set up the EFH Pro Committee. This committee, bringing together various representatives, is tasked with assessing progress in the field of professional equality. It will propose innovative initiatives, ensure effective internal communication and collaborate with experts to continuously improve our practices in favor of gender equality.

Actions to promote gender equality and combat sexism in the workplace

OMNES Education joins initiatives to promote gender equality and combat sexism in the workplace

  • OMNES Education has joined the Global Compact’s Gender Equality Accelerator, an initiative that brings together various organizations and companies to advance this cause.
  • From January 2025, OMNES will join the #StopE initiative against ordinary sexism in the workplace, a project of the French Association of Diversity Managers (AFMD), of which it is a member.

Encouraging gender diversity in the tech professions

Hello Tech Girl, a program launched by our engineering school ECE, enables middle-school girls to meet our future female engineering graduates. This sponsorship gives them the opportunity to discover how an engineering school works, as well as the different studies and careers possible in this field. For a hands-on immersion experience, the schoolgirls and their mentors visit four partner companies together, and talk with female engineers.



Students with


Handicap referents trained

To train the managers of tomorrow, we rely on diversity and its richness. We encourage the integration of students from all backgrounds, with varied social situations and profiles. We are actively involved in equal opportunities and access to education for all.

We have set up a network of 42 trained disability advisors on all our campuses. Their missions include :

  • Guidance for disabled students before and during their studies.
  • Ongoing psychological support.
  • Coordination of a multidisciplinary team to draw up the Disabled Student Support Plan (PAEH).

Together, they make the necessary decisions. All the school’s services are available at every key moment: registration, entrance exams, campus life, exams, work experience, study abroad, etc.


At OMNES, we are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all our staff, teachers and students. We are committed to ensuring equal rights and fair treatment, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
Aware that LGBTphobia persists in higher education and beyond, we mobilize to support those who are victims of discriminatory comments or acts, in order to contribute to a more inclusive society.

Actions are set up in collaboration with our expert partner l’Autre Cercle :

  • LGBT+ inclusion training for employees and students.
  • Taking stock of the situation on our campuses and setting up an action plan for progress
  • Set up a network of EDI referents in schools.
  • Signature in 2025 of the ‘Higher Education LGBT+ Commitment Charter’.

Health & well-being
for students & employees

Ensuring a safe, inclusive and caring learning and working environment is a priority for OMNES Education, to guarantee the well-being of all our communities.
To this end, a comprehensive VSS prevention program has been set up in all schools. Psychological units and a free medical hotline are also available to students.
For employees, a QVCT plan for each department and school has been co-constructed and is currently being rolled out with a team of dedicated project managers. In addition, a hotline is available 24 hours a day, and HR advisors are on hand to support employees.

Sexist and sexual violence

To protect our students and employees from all forms of violence and discrimination, we have set up a comprehensive system to prevent and deal with gender-based and sexual violence (GBV) on all our campuses.

This device includes :

  • Training of a network of VSS referents: 20 VSS referents have been trained from among employee managers, those in charge of community life and student members of the BDE, spread across 15 campuses. In all, 450 people have been trained to better understand and manage these situations.
  • “BeSignal” reporting platforms: Available since 2024 on all campuses, these platforms make it easy and secure to report any incident of SGBV or discrimination.
  • Case processing: Implementation of specific measures to deal with reported cases.

This initiative aims to guarantee a safe and inclusive environment for all our students and employees, by ensuring effective and caring handling of VSS situations. We are committed to maintaining and strengthening this system to prevent all forms of violence and discrimination.

psychological helpline

In an ever-changing educational environment, our priority is to offer comprehensive support, both pedagogical and personal. Aware of the challenges students can face, we have put in place tools to support them at every stage of their journey.

We offer :

  • A psychological and listening unit available 24/7.
  • Sessions with a psychologist on some campuses.
  • EDI referents (disability, VSS, inclusion…) are available on each campus.

The hotline is also available to employees.


Since January 2024, an ambitious Quality of Life and Working Conditions (QLWC) approach has been in place, marking a decisive turning point for employee well-being and improved working conditions. To date, 23 action plans have been deployed in 15 schools, 10 campuses and 5 departments, under the supervision of 24 specialized project managers.

Examples of actions implemented :

  • Professional talks on stress management.
  • Creation of a charter to guarantee the right to disconnect: introduction of “Focus Friday”, a morning without meetings.
  • Establishment of exchange and information rituals to present the Group’s challenges
  • Organization of reverse CODIRs in certain schools to encourage dialogue between the various stakeholders.
Updated 23 September 2024