Digital & Data by OMNES Education offers a wide range of programs from post-bac to bac+5. Located in Paris, Bordeaux, Lyon, Chambéry and internationally in London, San Francisco, Monaco, some Digital & Data by OMNES Education programs are accessible outside of Parcoursup by application.
Admissions pour Bac+1/2/3
Admission procedures for bachelor, master and doctoral programs

Admissions for the ece
The procedure to integrate a Bachelor program is done directly with theECE. This admission is done outside of Parcoursup. The required level: general or technological baccalaureate.

Admissions for inseec
INSEEC ‘s Bachelor’s programs are accessible outside Parcoursup.
- In the 1st year of the Bachelor’s program, admission to the 1st year is open to students in their final year of high school and to students who have already obtained the Baccalauréat.
- In the 2nd year of the Bachelor’s program, parallel admission to the 2nd year is open to students who have validated or are in the process of validating a 1st year of the 1st cycle (BTS, DUT, preparatory class, Licence 1…).
- In the 3rd year of the Bachelor’s program, parallel admission in the 3rd year is accessible to students who have validated or are in the process of validating a 2nd or 3rd year of the 1st cycle (BTS, DUT, preparatory class, Licence 2 or Licence 3)

Admissions for SUP DE CREATION
Admission to the Bac +1 program is open to candidates in their final year of high school who already hold a Baccalaureate or an equivalent foreign diploma.
- An online application
- An admission interview
- A presentation of a book.
For students in retraining or with little specialization, a 4-week refresher course is offered before the start of the course.

Admissions for ESCE
The procedure to integrate theESCE Bachelor is done outside Parcoursup and takes place throughout the year.
- Submitting an application
- Evaluation of the application file
- Motivational interviewing

Admissions for the IUM
To join the Bachelor program of theInternational University of Monaco, 3 steps :
- Filing an application online
- An online motivation interview
- An admission panel will meet and make a decision
The return time from the admissions department is two weeks.
Admissions pour Bac+4/5
Admission procedures for programs in bac +4, bac +5

Admissions for the ece
To enter the ECE Grande École Engineering program in parallel admission, it is necessary to have validated a Master 1 or an MSc.

Admissions for the inseec MSc & MBA
- The 1st year MSc & MBA program (bac+4) is open to students who are in the process of validating or who have validated a bac+3 (equivalent to a level 6 RNCP title)
- The 2nd year MSc & MBA program (bac+5) is accessible to students in the process of validating a bac+4 or with a bac+5.
Admission Procedure:
- Submitting an application online
- Examination and selection of the application by a jury.

Admissions for the inseec Grande école
Admission to the Grande École Program is via :
- The BCE (Banque Commune d’Épreuve) program, which is intended for students in preparatory classes
- An internal competition (Evolution 1 & 2) which is aimed at students who already have a BAC+2, BAC+3 or BAC+4

Admissions for SUP DE PUB
Admission to SP4 is possible for all candidates with a Bac+3 specialized in communication, design, marketing, advertising or business, and certified or approved by the State. A pre-selection will be made by the Admissions Department as not all courses are open to all baccalaureate students.
- For holders of a Bac+3/4 in another specialization, access to certain options is only possible after studying the candidate’s file
- For students with a Bac +3 not certified or approved by the State, each file will be decided on an individual basis provided that the student is eligible after the entrance exam
Access to Sup de Pub will be after an entrance exam (individual interview and 1 creative & strategic brief)

Admission to the 5th year SP5 is possible for students who hold an SP4 diploma or a Master 1 (Bac +4 (240 ECTS) or a level 6 certification or equivalent, certified by the State.
Access to the school will be after an entrance exam (individual interview and 1 crea & strat brief)

Admissions for ESCE
Within the framework of the AMBITIONS+ competition, you have the possibility of entering ESCE in the 4th year of the Grande École program without an eligibility period. You can choose one of the 7 sessions offered from January to September. Admission is conditioned by the validation of : 180 ECTS for admission in the 4th year.
The competition is evolving:
- Study of the file
- The written tests are remote and the oral test is in person.