Embodied microhistories on the move: Materializing microhistories through walking to include the affective memories of everyday life In S. Decker, W. Foster & E. Giovannoni (Eds.) Handbook of Historical Methods for Management
MENGIS J., PETANI F. J., CLAUDIA SCHOLZ C., Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023
How (im)mobile are coworkers in midsized cities? Comparing the spatial mobility trajectories of coworking communities in Lille, Lyon and Rouen
Management International, 2022, vol. 22
La lutte contre le suicide au travail nécessite bien plus que de la prévention
The Conversation, 2022
Maximizing Single Attribute Diversity in Group Selection
KOVALEV Sergey, CHALAMON I., PETANI F. J., Annals of Operations Research, 2022, vol. 320, no. 535–540
Voir la publicationReassessing moral legitimacy in times of instability
PETANI F. J., ANESA M., SPEE P., GILLESPIE N., Journal of Management Studies, 2022
L’appropriation intelligente de la transformation digitale: un processus collectif peu formalisé
RICHARD Damien, ZAOUI I, Management et Avenir, 2021
Special issue on Digitalization, work, and professions
Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 2021
Voir la publicationDebate: A geopolitical reading of fear
The Conversation, 2021
Voir la publicationTechnology and the hybrid workplace: the affective living of IT-enabled space
PETANI Fabio James, MENGIS, JEANNE J., International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2021
L’appropriation intelligente de la transformation digitale : un processus collectif peu formalisé
RICHARD D., PETANI F. J., ZAOUI I., CHABANET D., CLOAREC M.-A., Management & Avenir, 2021, vol. 2, no. 171 à 192
How the Software Company Cegid Prepared for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): An Organizational Learning Project to Ensure Legal Compliance, Adapt Marketing Strategies and Change Data Management Practices
The Case Center, 2020
Voir la publicationWhat will (and should) sustainable digital maturity look like in practice? A Delphi study on the business ethical implications of digital transformation
ZAOUI I, KOVALEV S, MONTAGNON P, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2020
Voir la publicationWhat will (and should) sustainable digital maturity look like in business ecosystems? A Delphi study on the best practices, barriers and regulation of digital transformation
PETANI F. J., KOVALEV S., ZAOUI I., MONTAGNON P., International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2020
Voir la publicationConfessions of an organizational space writer
Organization, 2019, vol. 26
Voir la publicationEntrepreneurship in former Yugoslavia: Diversity, institutional constraints and prospects
European Planning Studies, 2018
Voir la publicationRhythms of historical disposal: The role of absent spaces in the organizational process of space planning. In S. Kingma, K. Dale, & V. Wasserman (Eds.) Organisational Space and Beyond: The Significance of Henri Lefebvre for Organisation Studies
PETANI Fabio James, MENGIS J., Routledge Handbooks, 2018, no. 46-71
In search of lost space: The process of space planning through remembering and history
PETANI Fabio James, MENGIS J., Organization, 2016, vol. 23, no. 71-89