Entrepreneurs et autoentrepreneurs, la grande confusion
The Conversation, 2023
Qu’est-ce que le centre d’évaluation ?
Entrepreneurs et autoentrepreneurs, la grande confusion
La Tribune, 2023
Antecedents of technological readiness in times of crises: A comparison between before and during COVID-19
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Biting the bullet: When self-efficacy mediates the stressful effects of COVID-19 beliefs
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Who fits into the digital workplace? Mapping digital self-efficacy and agility onto psychological traits
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Employees’ psychological characteristics and sustainable leadership in firms with high and low entrepreneurial orientation
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Voir la publicationWho fits into the digital workplace? Mapping digital self-efficacy and agility onto psychological traits
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Voir la publicationFostering soft-skills development through learning experience platforms (LXPs)
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Predictors of COVID-19 voluntary compliance behaviors: An international investigation
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Including transcendental needs in a unified model of motivation
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La prise en charge de la souffrance au travail
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Aporte de la gestión socio-económica en la construcción de un lenguaje común en las pequeñas empresas internacionales
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Are “auto-entrepreneurs” entrepreneurs or not, and Why should we care?q
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Work-related curiosity positively predicts worker innovation
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Le langage commun, compétence clef dans les entreprises internationales
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