Necessary perceptions of family values and luxury characteristics for brand luxuriousness:
MUHLBACHER H., DINH E., TORCHIA M., Journal of Brand Management, 2023
Voir la publicationCommitment Helps: The Positive Effects of Long-Term Orientation and Family Ownership on Firms’ International Expansion
Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 2023
Voir la publicationBoard openness and family firm internationalization: a social capital perspective
Debellis F., TORCHIA M., Quarato F., Calabrò A., Small Business Economics, 2023, vol. 60, no. 1431-1448
Voir la publicationNetwork establishment in family firm internationalisation: a family social capital perspective
Dinh T. Q., TORCHIA M., Calabrò A., European Journal of International Management, 2023, vol. 21, no. 292-325
Voir la publicationCEO SUCCESSIONS IN TIMES OF DECLINE AND PROSPERITY: Restoring aspiration and performance implications in family firms.
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 2023
Global Perception of Wealth: A Multifactorial Cross-Country Comparison
TORCHIA M., AGUIRRE A., LIUZZI V., SARGENTI P., International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, 2023
Family Firms’ Shareholder Structure and International Acquisitions: A Differentiated Socioemotional Wealth Approach
Calabrò A., TORCHIA M., Quarato F., VALENTINO A., Cambrea D. R., Lohe F.-W., Family Business Review, 2023
Voir la publicationA multi-voiced account of family entrepreneuring research: expanding the agenda of family entrepreneurship
TORCHIA M., CALABRO A., International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 2023
Diffusion of Valuation Standards among Forensic Accountants Operating in Italian Courts: Exploring Some Inhibiting and Facilitating Factors
TORCHIA M., MANERA M., MOSCATO G. F., Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting, 2023
Gender equality in firm leadership worldwide: Where are we now and how do family and non-family firms differ
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023
Adoption and Diffusion of Valuation Standards in the Forensic Accounting Community and in Courts: Facilitating and Inhibiting Factors
Transgenerational entrepreneurship in family firms: a configurational approach
Calabrò A., TORCHIA M., Kallmuenzer A., Review of Managerial Science, 2022
Voir la publicationEstablishing Trust in the Sharing Economy: An Analysis of Organizational, Systems and Interpersonal Level Trust
TORCHIA M., NISAR T., Information Technology and People, 2022
Entrepreneurial Orientation and Family Firm Performance: The Moderating Role of TMT Identity-based and Knowledge-based Faultlines.
Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 2021
Voir la publicationThe role of human capital on family firm innovativeness: the strategic leadership role of family board members.
TORCHIA Mariateresa, KRAUS S, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 2021
Voir la publicationTMT involvement in family firm’s growth-related strategic decision-making: A dynamic capability perspective.
Management International, 2021
What Impact does Equity Crowdfunding have on SME Innovation and Growth? An Empirical Study
Small Business Economics, 2021
Voir la publicationFamily managers' propensity towards mergers and acquisitions: the role of performance feedback
SANTULLI R., GALLUCCI C., TORCHIA Mariateresa, CALABRÒ A., Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 2021
Disentangling the drivers of family firms internationalization through the lens of socioemotional wealth
LOHE F.-W., TORCHIA Mariateresa, CALABRÒ A., Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 2021
Founder Succession and Firm Performance in The Luxury Industry
CAMPA Domenico, TORCHIA Mariateresa, MARCHESELLI C. R. C., SARGENTI P., Corporate Ownership and Control Journal, 2020, vol. 17, no. 88-96
Crowdfunding innovations in emerging economies: Risk and credit control in peer‐to‐peer lending network platformsNisar, TM., G. Prabhakar, and Mariateresa Torchia
Strategic Change, 2020, vol. 29
Voir la publicationDo boards of directors foster strategic change? A dynamic Managerial Capabilities perspectives
Journal of Management and Governance, 2020
Voir la publicationEffects of Task Conflict on Board Task Performance in Family Firms: The Importance of Board Openness.
Journal of Family Business Strategy, 2020, vol. 11
Voir la publicationInternational Expansion of Family Firms in the Arab World
Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat, 2020, vol. 20
Voir la publicationJoint (Ad) ventures—Family firms' international entry mode choices for emerging markets
TORCHIA Mariateresa, KRAUS S, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 2020, vol. 26
Voir la publicationUnderstanding the main drivers of family firm longevity: the role of business family learning
LÖHDE A.-S. K., TORCHIA M., CALABRO A., International Studies of Management and Organization, 2020
Open Innovation in SMEs: a Systematic Literature Review
Journal of Enterprising Culture, 2019
Voir la publicationWhistleblowing: When do employees act to ‘blow the whistle’?
Organizational Dynamics, 2019, vol. 48
Voir la publicationOpen Innovation in SMEs: A Systematic Literature Review
Journal of Enterprising Culture, 2019, vol. 27, no. 201-228
Voir la publicationFamily ownership concentration and firm internationalization: integrating principal-principal and socioemotional wealth perspectives
Santulli R., TORCHIA M., Calabrò A., Gallucci C., Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 2019, vol. 17, no. 220-248
Voir la publicationMore women on boards: an international perspective
Information Age Publishing, 2018
Increasing the Governance Standards of Public-Private Partnerships in Healthcare. Evidence from Italy
TORCHIA Mariateresa, Calabrò A., Public Organization Review, 2018, vol. 18, no. 93-110
Voir la publicationIncreasing women's contribution on board decision making: The importance of chairperson leadership efficacy and board openness
KANADI Sadi Boğaç, TORCHIA M., Gabaldon P., European Management Journal, 2018, vol. 36, no. 91-104
Voir la publicationWomen directors contribution to organizational innovation: A behavioral approach
TORCHIA Mariateresa, Calabrò A., Gabaldon P., Kanadli S. B., Scandinavian Journal of Management, 2018, vol. 34, no. 215-224
Voir la publicationIncreasing the Number of Women on Boards: The Role of Actors and Processes
Seierstad C., Warner-Søderholm G., TORCHIA M., Huse M., Journal of Business Ethics, 2017, vol. 141, no. 289-315
Voir la publicationBoard of directors and financial transparency and disclosure. Evidence from Italy
TORCHIA Mariateresa, Calabrò A., Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 2016, vol. 16, no. 593-608
Voir la publicationWhat Does Really Matter in the Internationalization of Small and Medium-Sized Family Businesses?
CALABRÒ Andrea, Brogi M., TORCHIA M., Journal of Small Business Management, 2016, vol. 54, no. 679-696
Voir la publicationPublic–Private Partnerships in the Health Care Sector: A systematic review of the literature
TORCHIA Mariateresa, Calabrò A., Morner M., Public Management Review, 2015, vol. 17, no. 236-261
Voir la publicationBoard of Directors’ Diversity, Creativity, and Cognitive Conflict
TORCHIA Mariateresa, Calabrò A., Morner M., International Studies of Management and Organization, 2015, vol. 45, no. 6-24
Voir la publicationOwnership and control in local public utilities: the Italian case
CALABRÒ Andrea, TORCHIA M., Ranalli F., Journal of Management and Governance, 2013, vol. 17, no. 835-862
Voir la publicationThe influence of ownership structure and board strategic involvement on international sales: The moderating effect of family involvement
CALABRÒ Andrea, TORCHIA M., Pukall T., Mussolino D., International Business Review, 2013, vol. 22, no. 509-523
Voir la publicationWomen Directors on Corporate Boards: From Tokenism to Critical Mass
TORCHIA Mariateresa, Calabrò A., Huse M., Journal of Business Ethics, 2011, vol. 102, no. 299-317
Voir la publicationConflicts of Interest and Governance Mechanisms in Italian Local Public Utilities
CALABRÒ Andrea, TORCHIA M., International Journal of Public Administration, 2011, vol. 34, no. 447-460
Voir la publicationCritical Mass Theory and Women Directors' Contribution to Board Strategic Tasks
TORCHIA Mariateresa, Calabrò A., Huse M., Brogi M., SSRN Electronic Journal, 2010
Voir la publication