“I’ve always been very “all-in” in how I do things!””
Alumnus | ESCE Paris
Program | International Business and Marketing
Graduated in 2013
City of residence | Saint-Germain-en-Laye
What made you progress as a student, and still does today?
Remarkable people! I found them in my managers, and also within the ESCE faculty. When you have the opportunity to cross and then borrow the paths of charismatic professionals, who have such a positive influence, you have to seize it — and with modesty, mind you! I sometimes lacked in that area, and my extroverted side could be seen as an excess of confidence, whereas it is essential to not come off as if you had seen, done, and revolutionized everything. The challenge lies in finding the right balance between knowing how to stay in your place and asserting your personality — your unique added value!
A self-confessed soccer fanatic, Matthieu has proven that it is possible to move from the world of Materazzi to that of Maseratis: “David Beckham is my absolute reference — and he happens to be our worldwide ambassador!” Between the signature roar of the GranTurismo and his Dantesque linguistics expressed in both email and video, the Commercial Manager promotes sales throughout France, ensuring that the luxury car brand is represented with dignity, coordinating the actions of fifteen dealerships — a sport of deftly making deals that requires its share of packaged offers and subtlety. And although he now drives a network of excellence, Matthieu started out in less lofty vehicles, which, in retrospect, now seem pale — a yellow Renault Kangoo with which he delivered mail. As a teenager, he optimistically took on a series of odd jobs in Saint-Germain-en-Laye to earn his vacation time; and it’s an understatement to say that by dint of having stocked clothing and chocolate stores, the child’s guiding star, the one that would not fade, was the art of trade. Nothing could be more obvious than joining ESCE Paris for someone who went through middle school and high school while remaining faithful to the European section; Matthieu was so eager to blaze trails and ramble that he played his hand with a proper gamble: “It was ESCE, or nothing! I didn’t apply to any other schools, because it was the only one that offered two trips abroad. I’ve always been very “all-in” in how I do things!” This is where the bilingual Franco-British sir learned one or two tricks during marketing classes in English, while branching out to Mexican, German, and Japanese nationalities, before setting out to grow through university courses in the Nipponese archipelago: “I was a tiny whirlwind that needed channeling!
ESCE allowed me to understand company codes, and also to apprehend different sensibilities and characters. It made me mature and forged a part of my personality; without it, I would have been at a loss for the future!” In the meantime, Matthieu will have danced rock within these walls, and schemed up some “student mischief” with a jigsaw — “at school, we had won it in a lottery during my exchange in the Netherlands. No one wanted it, so I put it to good use… !” —, he quickly jumped at the opportunity of an internship at Maserati, after his bright dreams in the audiovisual field turned dreary. Chosen for an internship to join a major national chain, early on, Matthieu discovered a power game that caused a fuss, and did not see himself pursuing a dream that required making concessions with his happiness. Soon he was in Modena, visiting the historic red-brick factory where hypercars are manufactured like goldsmithery; there he was, perched on his first scooter and climbing the ladder, meeting the position’s demands, awestruck as he realized his own luck: “I had a lot of uncertainties when I started. But right from the start, I was surrounded by two great Italian managers, extremely inspiring people with a huge skillset and experience; in front of them, one can only feel humbled! I was learning every day, and they constantly motivated me to surpass myself. I remain extremely honored to have had these encounters that shaped my life.”
Aware of the power of networking, Matthieu makes a point to promote ESCE students to his professional circle, and to share his ecosystem with future graduates who are ready to follow their instincts. The same instinct that drove the Commercial Manager to immerse himself in the automotive industry, so much so that he now double takes at the sound of engines — and rides in his own charger from another manufacturer: “As far as balance is concerned, I play soccer, it’s vital to let off steam, and I also have my Yamaha XSR700! We go for drives with one of my best friends, who also started as an intern at Maserati.” Fond as he is of “accelerating,” there is no doubt that Matthieu will soon embark on new paths, in this sector where he is now adept, or in others that lead him to explore, which will require proving himself capable once more. And even if his fighting spirit may cause a few raised eyebrows, he is evidence that there is no road one cannot tame when genuine progress guides their aim.
Written portrait© Maison Trafalgar | Watercolor drawing © Maison Trafalgar & Camille Romanetto
Updated 18 October 2022