OMNES Educationhas been the reference for training in the field of sportssince 1992.Discover the different programs of OMNES Education that will allow you to train for the different professions of this dynamic, international and innovative industry.

Between passion and profession
OMNES Education offers unique and comprehensive programs focused on business and sport management.
Our programs dedicated to sports range from post-baccalaureate to BAC+5 and are offered in Chambéry, Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux and internationally, notably in Monaco and Geneva.
The objective of our programs is to offer you a global vision with courses in marketing & events, sales & distribution, governance & federations.This rich background allows our students to turn towards a career in both sports and international affairs.
The Bachelor’s program gives you all the basics and skills needed to market sports products and services.OurMSc & MBA and Master programs give our students a global vision of sports management with expertise in a given field: event marketing, e-sports, distribution…
Sport in our schools programs :
A sponsor and a pole director at your service!

Sponsor of the cluster
Pierre NIGAY, Editor in Chief, Amazon Prime Video
Passionate about sports – especially soccer – and journalism, he was quickly hired by L’Equipe TV after studying at Sciences Po and doing a lot of freelance work in the field. He joins Amazon Prime Video to innovate in the treatment of sports, offering original content and immersive reporting.

Director of the division
David Bouvier, Director INSEEc Chambéry Savoie
After an experience as a company manager where he discovered training as a speaker, David launched himself into the world of teaching.
Passionate about sports and driven by the desire to transmit, he guides students every day to learn, acquire skills, try, dare and blossom in their projects.
Our students are inspiring! What if tomorrow was you?
Tips from the pros for working in sports!
Do you have to be athletic to work in sports?
Choose your internships in sports to enrich your CV from your studies
Volunteer your time
Dream big, but take your career one step at a time
Don’t just look at the big groups
Le portrait
De sportive à businesswoman, il n’y a qu’un pas… ou une foulée ! Coach sportive, athlète de l’extrême, youtubeuse, auteure et maintenant cheffe d’entreprise : on ne compte plus les casquettes de Marine Leleu. La jeune femme originaire de Nantes a créé son « plus beau métier du monde ». Comprenez, celui de relever des défis sportifs (un peu) fous et de croquer la vie à pleines dents !