A modern, dynamic and friendly city, Bordeaux is one of the most popular cities for young people. Discover the OMNES Education campus on the banks of the Garonne and in the historic heart of the Chartrons.

In summary
- OMNES Education dispose d’un campus bordelais sur les quais de la Garonne dans le cœur historique des Chartrons. Les étudiants de l’INSEEC (Grande École, BBA, MSc, Bachelor), de l’ECE, d’HEIP et de Sup de Pub s’épanouissent ensemble dans ce cadre exceptionnel.
- Every year, Bordeaux is one of the top 10 student cities in the world to live in.
Focus on our Bordeaux campus
Les quais de la Garonne, lieu de vie très apprécié des Bordelais, abritent les campus de l’INSEEC (Grande École, MSc, Bachelor) et de Sup de Pub. Situés dans les hangars 16, 17, 18 et 19, ils offrent un environnement d’études exceptionnel en plein cœur de la cité. Les deux immenses terrasses et les salles de cours orientées vers la Garonne confèrent au lieu un cachet unique. Parmi les équipements : une salle de marchés Bloomberg, un incubateur d’entreprises et une salle de dégustation.
Just a few steps away in the historic heart of the Chartrons, on the very spot where the famous Bordeaux wines were made, the students of the BBA INSEEC students have a unique working environment in an atypical building: behind the long traditional façade of the InRue Raze, the vaulted cellars have been transformed into high-tech teaching facilities. In addition to classrooms and a large, recently modernized amphitheater, the campus has computer rooms, open-access work spaces and friendly meeting places: a vast hall, a foyer and a patio invite students to meet at any time of the day to discuss their projects or simply to relax.
L’ ECE (former Ecole Centrale d’Electronique) will start by opening the first year of its bachelor’s degree next fall. The second year of this post-bac training will open in 2023, the third in 2024. The program includes three specialties: digital business & data, cybersecurity & networks, development, web & mobile. Subject to the approval of the Commission des titres, ECE could open its “Grande école d’ingénieurs” program in 2023.
(for Hautes études internationales et politiques) will also open, next September, its first years of bachelor (political science & international relations) and its three masters of science (MSc political communication & influence, political science and public affairs, diplomacy & international relations).
In total, OMNES Education benefits from 12,000 m2 in the wine capital, which is regularly ranked as one of the most attractive French cities.

Why study in Bordeaux?
Bordeaux is the 7th largest student city and is a modern, dynamic and friendly city. With its pleasant living environment and its south-western sunshine, Bordeaux has a lot to offer.
Very well connected to the rest of France, only two hours from the capital, Bordeaux remains a preferred choice for young people.
The city stands out for its city centre, which is becoming more dynamic every year, with its shops, its wide choice of restaurants, its museums, theatres, cinemas… You will be spoilt for choice to liven up your evenings and weekends. Don’t miss the magnificent views from the Port de la Lune, the Place de la Bourse, or the famous Pont de Pierre.
Bordeaux Metropole has a very attractive policy for young people in terms of transport and cultural offer.
For wine and food lovers, Bordeaux is full of choices, enough to awaken your taste buds!
Bordeaux is also a city with a strong economic dynamism. The Bordeaux metropolis is marked by a strong development of startups, encouraged by banks, public incubators, competitiveness clusters, technology parks and business incubators.
The wine industry is a real asset for the whole Bordeaux region.
Finally, the economic dynamism of Bordeaux is felt through the aeronautics and space sectors. The latter are in full expansion in the Bordeaux region. With major players such as Dassault Aviation, Thales, ArianeGroup and Safran Aircraft Engines, Bordeaux now has real know-how and technological expertise in both the civil and military fields.