« IUM stands for communicating highly relevant new knowledge for business leaders produced through rigorous academic Research »

Mariateresa Torchia
Directrice de la recherche de l’IUM
L’IUM offre dans un environnement interculturel des formations dans le domaine du luxe, de la finance, du marketing, du management et du sport.
Le projet de l’IUM
L’International University of Monaco produit et diffuse des connaissances de gestion dans des services de grande valeur, en relation étroite avec les milieux académiques et les entreprises locales et internationales. La stratégie de l’IUM consiste à utiliser la recherche pour améliorer les pratiques de gestion, en particulier dans le luxe, l’hôtellerie et la finance, par le biais d’activités de publication appliquées et professionnelles et en contact étroit avec les milieux d’affaires locaux et internationaux, en encourageant l’innovation, la responsabilité sociétale des organisations (RSO) et le développement durable.
Les axes d’excellence
Research conducted at IUM is multidisciplinary. The Faculty has made contributions to the luxury, hospitality and financial services sectors, covering a wide range of disciplines.
- Balancing Responsibility and Luxury: Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Sustainable Travel and Tourism : The axis will critically analyze the evolving landscape of sustainable travel and tourism, seeking to illuminate the strategies and practices that ensure both ecological responsibility and the maintenance of a luxury guest experience.
- Transformative Luxury Experiences and the Evolution of Consumer Behaviors : The research axis will explore the intersection of innovative luxury experience management and emerging consumption patterns.
- Improve managerial practices in transition towards more resilient, inclusive, responsible and innovative organizations : This axis includes research aiming at identifying firm-level features that constitute best practices for sustainable, inclusive, ethical and economic robustness in multiple industries and sectors (such as luxury, hospitality, tourism, finance, tech, high-value activities)
- Leveraging Digital Financial Innovations for Inclusive and Responsible Organizational Structures : As we rebuild organizations for resilience in the face of disruptions, digital financial innovations present unique opportunities. The emphasis will be on how digital financial tools can be leveraged to create organizations that are more inclusive, accountable, and prepared for future challenges such as Centralized Management, Automation, Security and Virtualization. This research axis also investigates how these innovations can be weaved into the territorial, social and digital networks of organizations.
- Enhance the organization and practices of networks and ecosystems : This axis includes research in multiple industries and sectors (such as luxury, hospitality, tourism, finance, tech high-value activities) on interactions among players in ecosystems , interfirm synergies, adoption of new technologies
Le conseil scientifique
- President – Pr. Michel Pham – Professor at Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, USA
- Pr. Pierre André Chiappori – President of the IAB, Professor of Economics at Columbia University
- Pr. Virginie Debarnier – Dean of IAE d’Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management, Professor of Marketing, IAE Aix-Marseille
- Pr. David Dubois – Professor of Marketing INSEAD, France
- Pr. Pierre Louis-Dubois – President of the Scientific Advisory Board at INSEEC U. Former General Delegate at «FNEGE»
- Pr. Frédéric Jenny – Professor of Economics at ESSEC Business School in Paris, Judge at the Supreme Court of France
- Pr. Jean-Noël Kapferer – Professeur Emérite HEC Paris
- Pr. Jean Michel Lasry – Financial Mathematics Specialist and Scientific Director Data Lab, Institut Louis Bachelier, Université Paris Sciences et Lettres.
- Catherine Lespine – Senior advisor accélérateur ETI pour Bpifrance
- Pr. Didier Linotte – President of the Supreme Court of Monaco
- Pr. Martin Messner – Professor of Management Control, Universität Innsbruck, Austria
- Pr. Kristina Orfali – Professor of bioethics at Columbia University and faculty associate at the Center for Bioethics and the Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy (ISERP)
- Jacques Perrin – Former Dean of ESCP Europe Business School, France and Former Dean at Ceram Business School
- Bernard Ramanantsoa – Former Dean of HEC Business School, Paris, France
- Pr. Jorge Ramirez-Vallejo – Professor of Strategy, Harvard Business School, USA
- Pr. Örjan Sölvell – Director of the Center for Strategy and Competitiveness, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
- Pr. Pierre Valette-Florence – Professor of Marketing, Grenoble University, France
membres associés
- Jean-Philippe Muller – General Director of IUM
- Mariateresa Torchia – Research Director of IUM