Briser la glace avec de l'humour: La propriété soulageante de l'humour et ses effets sur la performance des vendeurs
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Voir la publicationL’intention environnementale des propriétaires-dirigeants de PME : entre innovation et proactivité
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Voir la publicationThe environmental intention of owner-managers: The role of entrepreneurial orientation in Tunisian industry
Journal of Enterprising Culture, 2020, vol. 28, no. 1-29
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International Journal of Data Science and Analysis, 2020, vol. 6
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Voir la publicationCrowdfunding innovations in emerging economies: Risk and credit control in peer‐to‐peer lending network platformsNisar, TM., G. Prabhakar, and Mariateresa Torchia
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Voir la publicationDo boards of directors foster strategic change? A dynamic Managerial Capabilities perspectives
Journal of Management and Governance, 2020
Voir la publicationEffects of Task Conflict on Board Task Performance in Family Firms: The Importance of Board Openness.
Journal of Family Business Strategy, 2020, vol. 11
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