Financial Market Contagion on the Fine Wines: the Evidence of ADCC GARCH Model
LE FUR Eric, BEN AMEUR H, BRAUNE Eric, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2016, vol. 29
Voir la publicationOn Oil-US Exchange Rate Volatility Relationships: an Intraday Analysis
Economic Modeling, 2016, vol. 59
Voir la publicationTime-Varying Risk Premiums in the Framework of Wine Investment
LE FUR Eric, BEN AMEUR Hachmi, Journal of Wine Economics, 2016, vol. 11, no. 355-378
Voir la publicationAre consumers sensitive to large retailers' sustainable practices? A semiotic analysis in the French context
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2016, vol. 32, no. 117-130
Voir la publicationCorporate Commitments to Stakeholders over Time and across Countries: a European Comparative Study (2000 -2010)
BONCORI Anne-Laure, BRAUNE E, Management International, 2016
Voir la publicationThe Performance of Independent Active SMEs in French Competitiveness Clusters
BRAUNE Eric, BONCORI Anne-Laure, Industry and Innovation, 2016, vol. 23, no. 313-330
Voir la publicationThe Effect of Monitoring Committees on the Relationship between Board Structure and Firm Performance
Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 2016
Voir la publicationAre Rawlsian Considerations of Corporate Governance Illiberal? A Reply to Singer
Business Ethics Quaterly, 2016, vol. 26
Voir la publicationIl est toujours temps d’entreprendre. Analyse de la base de données des chambres de commerce et d’industries comportant 7298 porteurs de projets en 2014
Revue Interdisciplinaire Management, Homme et Entreprise (RIMHE), 2016, vol. 5
Voir la publicationSous la carapace de l’entrepreneur
Entreprendre et Innover, 2016
Voir la publicationTowards an understanding of effectual learning: Exploring four innovations in entrepreneurship education
Voir la publicationIntroduction: Why wine has become a popular topic in the economics and business literature
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2016, vol. 29
Voir la publicationWine Expert Ratings: A Matter of Taste?
International Journal of Wine Business Research, 2016, vol. 28
Voir la publicationGéographie des ménages fortunés en France. Etude des déterminants de la localisation des ménages soumis à l’Impôt de Solidarité sur la Fortune
Revue d'Économie Régionale et Urbaine, 2016, no. 487-525
Voir la publicationLe discours identitaire des grandes métropoles européennes : émergence d’une maturité communicationnelle
Revue d'Économie Régionale et Urbaine, 2016
Voir la publicationRed Obsession: the Ascent of Fine Wine in China
Emerging Merkets Review, 2016, no. 200-225
Voir la publicationThe Dark Side of the Black Gold Shock onto Europe: One stock’s joy is another stock’s sorrow
Economic Modelling, 2016
Voir la publicationImpact du choix d’une table de mortalité sur le taux interne de rentabilité des rentes viagères immobilières
Bulletin Français d'Actuariat, 2016, vol. 16
Voir la publicationPerceived risk and the willingness to buy and pay for “corked” bottles of wine
International Journal of Wine Business Research, 2016, vol. 28
Voir la publicationThe Venture Capital Certification Role In Initial Public Offerings
Journal of Applied Business Research, 2016, vol. 32
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