Accueil » Enseignants-Chercheurs » AMMARI, AYMEN

Mis à jour le 20 mars 2023
Gravitating exogenous shocks to the next normal through entrepreneurial coopetive interactions: A PLS-SEM and fsQCA approach
Journal of Business Research, 2023
An Asymmetrical Approach to Understanding Consumer Characteristics in Banking Trust During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy
Research in International Business and Finance, 2023
How does the COVID-19 pandemic shape the relationship between Twitter sentiment and stock liquidity of US firms?
International Review of Financial Analysis, 2023, vol. 88, no. 102633
Voir la publicationNonlinear impacts of CSR performance on firm risk: New evidence using a panel smooth threshold regression
ROUINE I., AMMARI A., BRUNA M. G., Finance Research Letters, 2022
The effect of board gender diversity on corporate social performance: An instrumental variable quantile regression approach
Finance Research Letters, 2021
Voir la publicationA recipe for technological innovation: Does hedge fund activism matter? A fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis
Strategic Change, 2020
Voir la publicationNew evidence on value creation through hedge fund activism: A qualitative comparative analysis
Strategic Change, 2020
Voir la publicationDoes board gender diversity affect firm risk-taking? Evidence from the French stock market
Journal of Management and Governance, 2019
Voir la publicationBoard characteristics and MENA banks’ credit risk: A fuzzy set analysis
Economics Bulletin, 2018
Is there a “business case” for board gender diversity within French listed SMEs?
Applied Economics Letters, 2018
Voir la publicationThe Effect of Monitoring Committees on the Relationship between Board Structure and Firm Performance
Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 2016
Voir la publicationThe effect of board gender diversity on corporate social performance: An instrumental variable quantile regression approach
"Pour l' Eco"
New evidence on value creation through hedge fund activism: A qualitative comparative analysis
"Pour l' Eco"
Uncovering the Power Trio: How Diversity, CSR, and Ethics Drive High Dividend Payouts in US Companies?
SOUAK Y., AMMARI A., REMAH K., Journal of Business Research
Acceptance of circular entrepreneurship: Employees’ perceptions on organizations’ transition to the circular economy
Do US states’ responses to COVID-19 restore investor sentiment? Evidence from S&P 500 financial institutions
Investment Management and Financial Innovations, vol. Q1