Enhancing Mental Fatigue Detection Through Physiological Signals and Machine Learning Using Contextual Insights and Efficient Modelling
LAMBERT A., SONI A., JERIDI H., THIEULIN C., JAOUADI A., Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, 2023
Voir la publicationTemperature-activated polarization of single photon emitters
JERIDI H., Royer S., Lhuillier E., Lacaze E., Applied Physics Letters, 2023, vol. 123
Voir la publicationUnique orientation of 1D and 2D nanoparticle arrays confined in smectic topological defects
JERIDI H., Niyonzima J. D. D., Sakr C., Missaoui A., Shahini S., vlad A., coati A., Goubet N., Royer S., Vickridge I., GOLDMANN M., Constantin D., garreau Y., Babonneau D., Croset B., Gallas B., Lhuillier E., Lacaze E., Soft Matter, 2022
Voir la publicationFrom Chains to Monolayers: Nanoparticle Assembly Driven by Smectic Topological Defects
Do S.-P., Missaoui A., Coati A., Coursault D., JERIDI H., Resta A., Goubet N., Wojcik M. M., Choux A., Royer S., Briand E., Donnio B., Gallani J. L., Pansu B., Lhuillier E., Garreau Y., Babonneau D., Goldmann M., Constantin D., Gallas B., Croset B., Lacaze E., Nano Letters, 2020, vol. 20, no. 1598-1606
Voir la publicationColloidal Particles in Thin Nematic Wetting Films
JERIDI H., Tasinkevych M., Othman T., Blanc C., Langmuir, 2016, vol. 32, no. 9097-9107
Voir la publicationCapillary-induced giant elastic dipoles in thin nematic films
JERIDI H., Gharbi M. A., Othman T., Blanc C., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015, vol. 112, no. 14771-14776
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