Making green growth a reality: Reconciling sobriety with stakeholders' satisfaction
GANS COMBE C., JUN KIM J. Y., MOUHALI W., BACCAR A., PLOS ONE, 2023, vol. 18, no. e0284487
Can social media be sustainable: economic and industrial modelling instruments to mitigate the unneeded use of resources in social media and Artificial Intelligence
GANS COMBE C., MOUHALI W., JUN KIM J. Y., European Conference on Social Media, 2023, vol. 10 N°1, no. 85-95
Voir la publicationApproximating option prices under large changes of underlying asset prices
JUN KIM J. Y., RAKOTONDRATSIMBA Y., International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 2023, vol. 26, no. 2350004
In search of distance functions that improve autoencoder performance for intrusion detection
JUN KIM J. Y., BOUCHAYER R., CHAOUCHI H., MILLET P., International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks, 2023
A Multi-Agent Intrusion Detection System Optimized by a Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach with a Dataset Enlarged Using a Generative Model to Reduce the Bias Effect
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Voir la publicationEconomic and industrial modelling instruments to mitigate the unneeded use of resources; a rationalization of industrial processes at the producer level to track down sobriety pools (s-pools): the example of Artificial intelligence.
GANS COMBE C., JUN KIM J. Y., MOUHALI W., Conference proceedings Care Innovation, 2023
MOEBIUS AI : sobriété numérique économique et écologique
End-to-end autonomous driving using the Ape-X algorithm in Carla simualtion environment
JUN KIM J. Y., HUSSONNOIS M., International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks, 2022
Relating bounded rationality to fairness in macroeconomics by multi-agent deep reinforcement learning techniques
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Forecasting negative yield-curve distributions
JUN KIM Jae Yun, RAKOTONDRATSIMBA Yves, Journal of Forecasting, 2021, vol. 40
Hedging option contracts with locally weighted regression, functional data analysis, and Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques
JUN KIM J. Y., RAKOTONDRATSIMBA Y., International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication, 2020
Pose estimation-based path planning for a tracked mobile robot traversing uneven terrains
JUN KIM J. Y., SAUT J.-P., BEN AMAR F., Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2016, vol. 75, no. 325--339
Characterization of running with compliant curved legs
JUN KIM J. Y., CLARK J., Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 2015, vol. 10, no. 046008