Developing profitable customer relationships through AI
KLAUS P., TARQUINI A., Kogan Page, London, 2023
There is a Secret to Success: Linking Customer Experience Management Practices to Profitability
KLAUS P., WETZELS M., Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2023
Solo Tourism: Exploration and conceptualization - A semi-supervised machine learning approach
KLAUS P., MANTHIOU A., Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 2023
Voir la publicationQuantifying the Influence of Customer Experience on Consumer Share-of-Category
KLAUS P., KUPPELWIESER V. G., HEINONEN K., Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2023, vol. 73
Voir la publicationMetaverse Retail: Pioneering Research Avenues for Tomorrow's Marketplace
KLAUS P., MANTHIOU A., Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2023
The Retailing Metaverse Special Issue: Challenges and Opportunities
KLAUS P., MANTHIOU A., Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2023
The “Nip and Tuck” Service Framework: Bright and Dark Side of Beautification/Modification Services
KLAUS Phil, TSIOTSOU R., Journal of Services Marketing, 2022
Come fly with me: exploring the private aviation customer experience (PAX)
KLAUS Phil, POLI A., European Journal of Marketing, 2022, vol. 56, no. 1126-1152
Voir la publicationLifestyle of the rich and famous: Exploring the ultra-high net-worth individuals’ customer experience (UHCX)
KLAUS Phil, POLI A., Journal of Business Research, 2022, vol. 147, no. 49-58
Voir la publicationThe interplaying factors of the robotic tourism experience: The customer journey's touchpoints, context, and qualities
Manthiou A., KLAUS P., Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2022, vol. 177, no. 121552
Voir la publicationSlow Tourism: Conceptualization and interpretation - A traveler vloggers' perspective
Tourism Management, 2022
Voir la publicationHow Luxury Retail Will Change Forever – The Role of Atmospherics in the Digital Era
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2022
Where Is Customer Experience (CX) Research Heading? A Personal Commentary
Journal of Services Marketing, 2022
The future of luxury management – 5 megatrends that are here to stay: Guidance for researchers and managers
KLAUS P., TYNAN C., Journal of Marketing Management, 2022
A Glimpse of the Future Retail Customer Experience – Guidelines for Research and Practice
KLAUS P., KUPPELWIESER V. G., Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2022
Reevaluating Tourism Experience Measurements: An Alternative Bayesian Approach
KLAUS P., KUPPELWIESER V. G., MANTHIOU A., Current Issues in Tourism, 2022
Sustainability in Luxury – Core Requirement or Just a Fad? Insights from Consumer Twitter Activities
KLAUS P., MANTHIOU A., LUONG V., Journal of Strategic Marketing, 2022
More than just brands, status, and exclusivity? Exploring the Luxury Experience and Luxury Experience Management
Journal of Marketing Management, 2021
Voir la publicationWhat Matters Most to UHNWI? Exploring the UHNWI Luxury Customer Experience (ULCX)
Journal of Product and Brand Management, 2021
Voir la publicationThe Convenience of Shopping via Voice AI: Introducing AIDM
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2021
The Role of Customer Experience in the Perceived Value–Word-of-Mouth Relationship
Journal of Services Marketing, 2021
Customer Experience Quality in African B2B Context
Journal of Services Marketing, 2021
Viewpoint: Phygital – The Emperor’s new clothes?
Journal of Strategic Marketing, 2021
The Future of Customer Experience in Retailing
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2021
(Priceless) Time – The UHNWI’s Most Precious Possession: Implications for International Marketing Theory and Practice
KLAUS Phil, TARQUINI-POLI Annalisa, PARK J., International Marketing Review, 2021
Measuring customer experience quality: The EXQ scale revisited
KUPPELWIESER V. G., KLAUS P., Journal of Business Research, 2021
The Ultimate Luxury: Exploring Ultra-High-Net-Worth (UHNW) Individuals’ Motivations and Experiences
KLAUS P., PARK J., European Journal of Marketing, 2021
Journal of Services Marketing, 2020, vol. 35
Voir la publicationAI Voice Bots: A Services Marketing Research Agenda
Journal of Services Marketing, 2020, vol. 34
Voir la publicationMoving the Customer Experience Field Forward: Introducing the Touchpoints, Context, Qualities (TCQ) Nomenclature
Journal of Service Research, 2020, vol. 23
Voir la publicationGathering Momentum: Placing Dynamics at the Heart of Customer Experience (CX) Research
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2020
Viewpoint: a primer for inclusive service marketing theory
KUPPELLWIESER V., KLAUS P., Journal of Services Marketing, 2020
Applying the EEE customer mindset in luxury: reevaluating customer experience research and practice during and after corona
KLAUS P., MANTHIOU A., Journal of Service Management, 2020
Beyond good and bad: Challenging the suggested role of emotions in customer experience (CX) research
MANTHIOU A., KLAUS P., HICKMAN E., Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2020
Man vs machine: examining the three themes of service robotics in tourism and hospitality
MANTHIOU A., KLAUS P., KUPPELWIESER V. G., REEVES W., Electronic Markets, 2020
Revisiting the Age Construct: Implications for Service Research
KUPPELWIESER V. G., KLAUS P., Journal of Service Research, 2020, vol. 24
The end of the world as we know it? The influence of online channels on the luxury customer experience
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2020, vol. 57
In Transition: Service Research Opportunities for An Aging Society
KUPPELWIESER V. G., KLAUS P., Journal of Services Marketing, 2020
Customer Experience (CX), not Brands will be sitting on the Iron Throne
International Journal of Market Research, 2019, vol. 62
Voir la publicationCustomer engagement in evolving technological environments: Synopsis and guiding propositions
The Product is Me: Hyper-Personalized Consumer Goods as Unconventional Luxury
ROSENBAUM M., KLAUS P., CONTRERAS RAMIREZ G., CAMPBELL J., Journal of Business Research, 2019
A New Me: Going abroad for health and body beautification/modification
KLAUS P., TSIOTSOU R., Journal of Services Marketing, 2019
The dawn of traditional CX metrics? Examining satisfaction, EXQ, and WAR
KLAUS P., IMHOF G., International Journal of Market Research, 2019
Consumer Responses to Planned Obsolence
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2018, vol. 47
Voir la publicationThe missing link - fairness as the ultimate determinant of service profitability
Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 2018, vol. 33
Voir la publicationViewpoint: Conveying Managerial Relevance into Service Research
Journal of Services Marketing, 2018, vol. 33
Voir la publicationLuxury patient experience (LPX): review, conceptualization, and future research directions
The Service Industries Journal, 2017, vol. 38
Voir la publication