Accueil » Enseignants-Chercheurs » OZKAN, KUBILAY SABRI LEVENT

Mis à jour le 20 mars 2023
Redefining the Organizational Resilience Construct Using a Frame Based Methodology: A New Perspective from the Ecology Based Approach
KHAN H., OZKAN K. S. L., DELIGONUL S., CAVUSGIL E., Journal of Business Research, 2023, vol. 172, no. 1143-97
Voir la publicationRace for market share gains: How emerging market and advanced economy MNEs perform in each other's turf
OZKAN K. S. L., KHAN H., DELIGONUL S., YENIYURT S., GU Q., CAVUSGIL E., XU S., Journal of Business Research, 2022, vol. 150, no. 208-222
The Great Lockdown Recession and International Business
KU S., CAVUSGIL S. T., OZKAN K. S. L., PINHO C. R. D. A., PINHO M. L. C. D. A., POLIAKOVA E., SANGUINETI F., SHARMA S., Business and Economics Journal, 2020, vol. 5, no. 113-135
International market exit by firms: Misalignment of Strategy with the foreign market risk environment
International Business Review, 2020, vol. 29, no. 1-15